Showing 49–64 of 72 results
11284 – 19th Century Regency Oval Mirror
11298 – 19th Century Giltwood Tabernacle Mirror with Églomisé Design
6500 – 19th Century Giltwood Rectangular William IV Mirror
6548 – 18th Century Rocaille Giltwood Asymmetric Mirror
6735 – Early 19th Century Regency Giltwood and Ebonised Mirror
7305 – Early 19th Century Regency Giltwood Convex Mirror
7329 – 18th Century George III Irish Carved Giltwood Wall Mirror
7373 – Early 19th Century Regency Carved Gilt Wall Mirror
7552 – Early 19th Century George III Walnut Parcel Gilt Wall Mirror
7773 – Early 19th Century Irish Mahogany Carved Wall Mirror
8158 – 19th Century Carved Giltwood Overmantle Mirror
8263 – Early 19th Century Regency Three Compartmental Overmantle Mirror
8265- Early 19th Century William IV Overmantle Mirror
8308 – Mid 19th Century Giltwood and Gesso Pier Mirror
8449 – 19th Century Gilt Convex Mirror
8481 – Early 19th Century Gilt Convex Mirror