Chinese Cinnabar Box.
2″ H, 5 ½” Diam.
3209 – Early 20th Century English Edwardian Humidor and 8 Pipe Stand
3183 – 19th Century Four Panel Chinese Screen Depicting a Landscape with Cherry Blossoms
2208 – Pair of 19th Century Painted Cast Iron Urns
3027 -Chinese Kangxi Blue and White Porcelain Beaker Vase
3009 – Set of 24 Painted Papier Mache and Metal Snuff Boxes
2980 – Early 19th Century White Painted Intricately Carved Wall Bracket
3212 – Early 19th Century Cast Iron Garden Boot Scraper
2529-Ceramic Seated Pug Dog
3196 – 19th Century Bronze Empire Mantel Clock
2996 – Set of Three English Silver Plate Sauce Tureens